Configuring Raspberry Pi

1) Install SD card with Raspbian Linux into the Raspberry Pi.

2) Enable sshd (SSH server) on Raspberry Pi (run raspi-config from console).

3) Assign static IP address to Raspberry Pi by editing /etc/network/interfaces with nano. Example configuration:

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet static

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface default inet dhcp

4) Add static IP address and hostname of Raspberry Pi into the C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file:

Setting up Eclipse for Rasperry Pi Development - Updating Hosts File For Raspberry Pi Access

5) Press Win+R, Enter "cmd", "ping my-raspberry-pi" to make sure "hosts" file was saved properly.

6) Try logging into the Raspberry Pi using PuTTY. If PuTTY doesn't work, there's no point in trying to configure Eclipse.

Setting up Eclipse for Rasperry Pi Development - Configuring PuTTY For Raspberry Pi Access

7) Accept the key (click "Yes").

Setting up Eclipse for Rasperry Pi Development - Accepting The Key For Raspberry Pi Access

8) Enter login credentials. Default username is pi and default password is raspberry.

Setting up Eclipse for Rasperry Pi Development - Verifying SSH Access to the Raspberry Pi

9) Enter the following commands in terminal:

mkdir remote-debugging
cd remote-debugging
touch .gdbinit

10) Upload the file C:\rpi-eclipse\rpi-cross-toolchain\arm-linux-gnueabihf\usr\bin\gdbserver onto Raspberry Pi as /home/pi/remote-debugging/gdbserver. You may use WinSCP or any other SSH upload tool for that purpose.

11) Make sure /home/pi/remote-debugging/gdbserver has exec permissions on the Raspberry Pi (chmod +x /home/pi/remote-debugging/gdbserver).

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